Will NCCM Fly the Pride Flag? Universities, corporations, Banks & Religious groups, Toronto City, Queens Park & Ottawa Fly the Gay Pride flag. In 2020 It seems no Mosque or Muslim organization has the flag on their social media.
Muslim MPs have publicly endorsed their support for Gay Pride.
What is the position of Islam on the issue of Homosexuality? Senior Canadian Imams have made the position clear.

Wael Shihab, Imam of Masjid Toronto, affiliated with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC):
Islam forbids homosexuality and lesbianism. Same-sex marriage poses a serious and dangerous threat to human societies and communities. Same-sex marriage endangers family atmosphere where children should be morally raised. Gay relationships pose serious dangers to the family institution. Same-sex marriage, moreover, threatens the existence of human species. Such relationships could not build human communities or secure the existence of humans
Yusuf Badat, President of the Canadian Council of Imams: CCI
People who identify as transgender or transsexual These individuals need mental treatment and guidance …
Hamza Sodagar
If there’s homosexual men the punishment is one of five things. One cut their head off. Two burne them to death. Three throw them off a cliff. Four tear a wall on them so they die. Five is a combination of the above.
View Clip Will Imam Hamza Sodogar Fly the Pride Flag?
In 2012 Mustafa Farooq CEO of National Council of Canadian Muslims opposed alliances between Muslims & LGBTQ persons. He does this because compared them to those who commit major sins such as adulterers & producers of alcohol
CIJA and other faith groups that have evolved to display the Rainbow Flag. However it seem that NCCM under the Guidance & leadership of Mustafa Farooq continues to adhere & promote the TRUE Islam. Islam of the Rashidun 4 rightly guided caliphs. Abu Bakr – Umar – Uthman – Ali
Colorado Imam Karim AbuZaid: LGBTQ’s “Evil” is Influencing & infiltrating Black Lives Matter & Muslim Community
Muslim organizations will refrain from flying the pride flag. Muslims elected to political office will say what needs to be said.