Will Canada becomes an Islamic State? Katherine Bullock is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, U of T. Mrs. Bullock’s research focuses on the history of Muslims in Canada. Mrs. Bullock is also the President and founder of The Tessellate Institute, a non-profit charitable research institute mandated to present Islam as an integral part of Canada’s history.
Integral to the religion of Islam (world order conference) is the spread of Islam. Muslim leaders make it clear that it is a religious duty to propagate Islam and to establish sharia law in all lands. Sharia law dictates that all religion be subject to Islam.
Is it realistic to believe Canada could becomes an Islamic State?
On November 27, 2014 Bullock took part alongside Professor Faisal Kutty and Imam Yasin Dwyer in a panel discussion at York University in Toronto titled “ISIS, Violence and the Politics of Deradicalization.”
Professor Katherine Bullock
From an Islamic point of view there is absolutely nothing radical about wanting (to live under) sharia law. These are completely normal traditional points of view.
Mrs. Bullock is the ex-president of ICNA Canada. ICNA Canada promotes the book Garden of the Righteous Download PDF
It is incumbent on the Muslims to wage jihad against them to wipe out Kufr (disbelief) and shirk (polytheism) and raise the banner of oneness of God everywhere… This Hadith strongly refutes the people who distort the Islamic concept of jihad and hold that Islam preaches defensive war only… Whoever in the world there is tyranny, ignorance and heresy, Muslims are bound to fight such evils and finish them off by the means of jihad…
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Sharia is the law of God it is good for all time all people and all places. Wherever Muslims can apply it they have a duty to apply it.
Several years ago Mustafa Farooq, CEO of NCCM wrote in a FB post
How are we Muslims going to recreate Cordoba {Islamic State} in Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal. One in which we [Muslims] erase these artificial ‘nation state” identities, & move together to pursue Jannah {paradise]
For clarity of context – Qurṭuba) was an Islamic state. Its territory comprised Iberia and parts of North Africa, with its capital in Córdoba located in southern Spain.
How will Canada becomes an Islamic State?
Canada is adopting Islamic values at the expense of Western democratic Christian values. The Muslim lobby NCCM will forever continue to lobby. Ergo Western democratic Christian values will be systematically eroded. At some point Canada’s cultural flavour will be more Islamic than Christian.
Challenge discrimination and Islamophobia, build mutual understanding, and advocate for the public concerns of Canadian Muslims.
What if the these concerns clash with those of Canadian Christians, Jews, secularists or Liberal progressive’s?