Following a few days of promotion campaign, Project Veritas has started on October 14, 2019 to release undercover video and audio recordings of CNN executives, including CNN President Jeff Zucker, exposing its editorial guidelines.
On October 14, 2019 James O’Keefe, the founder and President of Project Veritas, tweeted the first batch of the secretly recorded videos and audios:
Tweet 1 – PART 1: CNN Insider Blows Whistle, Secretly Records Staff, Execs and Network President Jeff Zucker’s “Anti-Trump Crusade” and “Personal Vendetta” Against POTUS.
Tweet 2 – “There’s a lot of people who are out here trying to like just do what they think is the best of journalistic integrity…Then you get on the 9AM call and big boss Jeff Zucker f**king tells you what to do…” – @CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville
Tweet 3 – CNN: “A white kid gets shot at Princeton University…he gets shot in the head…he gets killed…we’re going to get coverage on that…precious little white boy…” PV: “Three people get shot in Newark?” CNN: “Nobody cares…Unless it happens on Cory Bookers block” #ExposeCNN
Tweet 4 – No one is shocked that Zucker had a vendetta & would risk @CNN ’s credibility to act on it. Look what went on at @NBC on his watch! CNN Insider Blows Whistle, Records Network President Jeff Zucker’s “Anti-Trump Crusade” & “Personal Vendetta” Against POTUS.
Tweet 5 – “I just hope that others in similar positions take the maw as we all have…The Facebook insider inspired me…My goal with this aside from getting @CNN to return to its old greatness is to inspire dozens of people” – @CNN Insider Cary Poarch #ExposeCNN
Tweet 6 – “The fake conspiracy nonsense that @FoxNews has spread for years is now deeply embedded in American society…and frankly that is beyond destructive for America.” – @CNN
President Jeff Zucker MORE COMING: #ExposeCNN
Tweet 7 – “I totally want to do just, like, the truth… But you have higher up executives, like Zucker and other people that are saying we gotta make profits…If we just talk about @realDonaldTrump all day, people will watch!” – @CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville #ExposeCNN
Tweet 8 – On @realDonaldTrump: “Cooper hates him…Don Lemon hates him…Tapper, he doesn’t like him either…Cuomo doesn’t like him” – @CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra #ExposeCNN
Tweet 9 – “Our Democratic interviews are like softballs compared to the Republicans” – @CNN
Media Coordinator Christian Sierra #ExposeCNN
Tweet 10 – “There’s nothing we can do if Zucker wants impeachment every single day to be the top story…He wants impeachment…Above all else!” – @CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra #ExposeCNN
Tweet 11 – “I hate everything, how everything is like all Trump all the time now…Everyone at my job, everyone at the network, they hate covering @realDonaldTrump every day” – Christian Sierra
@CNN Media Coordinator #ExposeCNN
Tweet 12 – “I’m just surprised @CNN hasn’t been able to take down @realDonaldTrump yet” – @Project_Veritas UCJ “I mean, I feel like they’re trying…” – @CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville
Tweet 13 – “I came in that night (@realDonaldTrump 2016 Election Victory)… right around the time they called it…it was like a funeral” – @CNN Floor Manager Mike Brevna #ExposeCNN
Tweet 14 – “He’s(Zucker) known @realDonaldTrump for a long time. Like, they worked together back during The Apprentice.” – @CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra “AND HATES HIS GUTS!” –
@CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville
Tweet 15 – “There’s a lot of people who are out here trying to like just do what they think is the best of journalistic integrity…Then you get on the 9AM call and big boss Jeff Zucker f**king tells you what to do…” – @CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville #ExposeCNN
Tweet 16 – “I don’t care about the @MSNBC event, okay? Let’s just stay VERY FOCUSED on IMPEACHMENT” – @CNN President Jeff Zucker #ExposeCNN
Tweet 17 – “I think whatever tools are to our disposal then that’s what @CNN is doing” – Hiram Gonzalez, CNN Floor Director #ExposeCNN
US President Donald Trump tweeted:
“Project Veritas-Obtained Undercover Videos Highlight Jeff Zucker’s (@CNN) Campaign To Destroy Trump. Videos Reveal @CNN’s BIAS!” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews Does this sound like a good, or even great, lawsuit?
Project Veritas insider video and audio recordings of CNN’s senior executives were not reported by the mainstream Canadian media outlets. Previous stories broke by Project Veritas were also ignored (undercover videos from Planned Parenthood and within multiple government agencies such as the DOJ, DOS, GAO, and HHS). The few articles published by CBC and the Toronto Star on Project Veritas were predominantly negative.
I sent a media inquiry to CBC, CTV, Global News, CityNews, 680 News, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun and National Post. None responded.
Media Inquiry
Why Project Veritas exclusive story on CNN based on secretly recorded videos and audios was ignored?
Why all previous Project Veritas’ exclusive stories were not reported?
Does you media organization espouse similar guidelines to that of CNN that guides its editorial decisions?
I’ll apprentice a response to my media inquiry by 1pm October 15, 2019. If you require more time please let me know.
Eric Brazau,
Investigative Journalist
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