Allah Gives Jews Christians Water because this life is worthless. Imam Mohammad Hablos, is a the leader of Hizb ut – Tahrir in Australia. They are especially well established in Britain, Australia & Canada, Canadian leader Imam Mazin Adhim is based in London Ontario.
Mohammad Hoblos’s:
This world is so trivial you have no idea. Allah created you for a short time to worship him, to call to him, to glorify him. To establish dean “Islamic way” in your life. Two things in my opinion, two things, the purpose of your existence on Earth is to establish dean “Islamic way” in my life and to establish dean on the Earth, simple. Dean in me and dean in others. That’s the purpose of our life. That’s why you’re here. Allah doesn’t care how much money you have, cars you drive, how big your house is
Canadian mainstream Muslim leaders preach it is Every Muslim duty to establish the rule of sharia law
Allah doesn’t care. It’s all Dunya (temporary world). The world is cursed. Everything in the world is an abomination. This world is so trivial, so pathetic. This world is so cheap in the eyes of Allah. It’s so cheap, it’s so worthless. He says that, if he doesn’t, but if. If this world had any value in the eyes of Allah, Allah would not have given a single Kaffer [infidel rejecter denier] A sip of water to drink. Not a sip of water would he have given a single Kaffer [infidel rejecter denier]. Imagine someone that hates Allah, he hates his prophet, is an enemy of Islam, clear open enemy. Yet Allah gives them, opens doors upon them, gives them money, cars, women, palaces, empires, governments. And Allah gives. Why? Because all of this means nothing to Allah. It’s worthless.
Because Allah Gives Jews Christians Water Muslims are convinced this life is worthless. It is easier then for them to transition into suicide bombers. A man who seeks death makes a formidable and brave soldier. Plethora of willing virgins’ is also very enticing. War booty
Imam Mohammad Hablos screen capture youtube/MohammadHablos