Welcome to another segment of Islam moving Forward in Canada
A terrorist attack, took place in London Ontario June 8 2021 – 4 Muslims of the same family were killed. This was a hate crime that was also racist & Islamophic. according to Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh & Erin O’ Tool who in parliament Recited words from the Holy Quran chapter 41. Erin O’tool AIQ “Good & evil are not equal repel evil with good & be patient” CQ
However – Younus Kahrada a Senior Imam from British Columbia spoke out about how the religion of Islam is offended and insulted by the fact that “Western” Values were incorporated in the funeral procedure
Younus Kathrada said AIQ
The Muslim community in London, Ontario could have taken the opportunity to teach their larger community how Muslims deal with death. Instead, they, along with a great many, chose to follow the ways of other than the Muslims. They held vigils, delayed the janazah (burial), allowed politicians to make a circus of the community, shrouded the coffins with flags (a practice completely foreign to Islam), engaged in communal du’as (prayers) and other innovated matters.
Rather than adhere to our Deen (religion) at such times of calamity, we choose to oppose the teachings of the Deen. And the celebrities are all too happy to rubber stamp this and get in on the action. CQ
We Learn that According to the senior Imam Younus Kathrada western values and customs are to be avoided and are regarded as a bihah (invention). Some scholars preach that bidah can be seen as blasphemy that can be punished with death. However some scholars say the death penalty for Bidah is not for all Bidah.
Thanks for watching Islam Moving forward in Canada – till next time. Good bye.

Hi Eric, how are you? Are you going to have any peaceful rallies? Let me know, Ill come out for support.
I cover rallies as I am now a designated reporter by CAJ.